Monthly Archives: February 2016

Matlock Avenue, Telford

Lovell Partnerships’ planning application for 92 new dwellings at Matlock Avenue in Telford, for which Beacon Transport Planning undertook a full Transport Assessment and prepared a Residential Travel Plan, has been given the go-ahead by Telford & Wrekin Council’s planning committee.

Planning officers have been given delegated authority to grant planning permission for the scheme subject to outstanding drainage issues being resolved, it having been suitably demonstrated that the proposed dwellings can be accommodated by the existing highway network without detriment to highway safety.

Falcon Park, Battersea

Beacon Transport Planning is providing support to Wandsworth Council in respect of a planning application made by the Council’s Design Service for a floodlit all-weather football pitch and changing facilities at Falcon Park in Battersea.

Falcon Park

Beacon Transport Planning has prepared a Transport Statement to assess the site’s accessibility / connectivity by walking, cycling and public transport and to provide a qualitative assessment of trip attractions and associated transport impacts, including parking.

Minerals Planning Review

Beacon Transport Planning provided support to CEMEX UK in respect of two planning applications at West Heath Quarry in West Sussex: a periodic review submission in respect of an extant minerals planning permission for the main part of the site, as required by Section 96 and Schedules 13 and 14 of the Environment Act 1995; and an application to vary the conditions attached to a separate permission in order to provided additional time to work and restore an extended part of the site.

A Highway Safety Review was prepared and submitted in support of both applications, providing a review of existing highway safety conditions by way of analysis of recorded accident data and consideration of the impact of the proposed continuation of operations over an extended period of time.

The work undertaken by Beacon Transport Planning enabled the Highway Authority to advise that it had no objection to the applications.